Tire Designer Generator
Fall 2022
A Simple Generative Design App for Tire Designers
Creative Algorithms Weekly Project - Team Project
After seeing this episode of Korean TV show My Working Vlog, which was about professional tire designer’s job, we thought that making a generative tire designer app, which creates random tire design with some parameters, could be beneficial.
We thought that this app could be used as a suggestion for new design, which will be detailed and tested by professionals.
driving environment(urban ↔ extreme). According to this parameters, new design of tire is generated randomly. There is a 3d modell of tire on the left (created by P2D and rotateX, rather than using texture for performance). If the user likes the design, the black and white version of the pattern image will be saved.
Project Group
As a team leader, I was in charge of overall planning and coding of the project. Hyucho Kim was in charge of UI design and research about tire design principles. Sunghoon Kim was in charge of presentation.